Onbase incidental rate is $3.50

The Proportional Meal Rate is determined by: adding your locality meal rate with the GMR of $11.85, dividing by 2, then rounding up to the nearest dollar. Then you add the Incidental Expense rate. Ex: The CONUS Meal & Incidental Rate is $46 ($41 for meals, and $5 incidental rate). Add $41 to $11.85, gives us $52.85.

For those individuals TDY/PCS or deployed, in support of contingency operations, whose billeting and meals are provided by the USG, the per diem rate for incidentals expenses is $3.50 per day. For those individuals whose billeting and meals are not provided by the USG and are authorized full per diem, the normal locality incidental expense rate 1/ For reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official OCONUS (Outside Continental United States) travel. 2/ The standard onbase incidental rate is $3.50 OCONUS-wide. 3/ Use this rate if neither the city nor military installation is listed. As of 2010, the standard CONUS per diem rate remained at $116 - $70/day for lodging, $46 for meals and incidental expenses. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PER DIEM AND A GOV RATE? Rather than offering military service members a per diem rate, hotels and motels sometimes offer a "GOV" rate. The GOV rate could be higher than the per diem rate. The GSA allows $5/day for incidental expenses, regardless of location. The daily Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem rate equals the meal rate for your area plus the $5 daily incidental allowance. The M&IE rate is added to your Lodging Per Diem rate to find the maximum allowable Per Diem rate.

For those individuals TDY/PCS or deployed, in support of contingency operations, whose billeting and meals are provided by the USG, the per diem rate for incidentals expenses is $3.50 per day. For those individuals whose billeting and meals are not provided by the USG and are authorized full per diem, the normal locality incidental expense rate is authorized.

All military and civilian personnel are authorized the standard government meal rate (GMR) of $13.85 per day. Plus the OCONUS on-base incidental expense rate ($3.50) per day, plus the cost of lodging." The maximum per diem rates that apply to travelers authorized to use local hotels and/or restaurants are: Lodging $102, M&IE $100 for Kabul; Lodging $99, M&IE $40 for Herat and Lodging $51, M&IE $50 for Other, Afghanistan. in no event will hyland be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of data or information, the cost of recovering such data or information, or the cost of substitute services, even if hyland has been advised of the possibilities of such damages. The GSA (General Services Administration) sets per-diem rates for destinations within CONUS (the Continental United States). These per diem rates specify the amount of monetary reimbursement to be provided to government employees (and employees of private organizations which use GSA per diem rates) who are travelling on business to various areas. The GSA allows $5/day for incidental expenses, regardless of location. The daily Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem rate equals the meal rate for your area plus the $5 daily incidental allowance. The M&IE rate is added to your Lodging Per Diem rate to find the maximum allowable Per Diem rate.

19 Dec 2017 Again, the total rate is split between your lodging and your Meals and Incidental Expenses. Rates for these locations are determined by three 

As of 2010, the standard CONUS per diem rate remained at $116 - $70/day for lodging, $46 for meals and incidental expenses. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PER DIEM AND A GOV RATE? Rather than offering military service members a per diem rate, hotels and motels sometimes offer a "GOV" rate. The GOV rate could be higher than the per diem rate. The GSA allows $5/day for incidental expenses, regardless of location. The daily Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem rate equals the meal rate for your area plus the $5 daily incidental allowance. The M&IE rate is added to your Lodging Per Diem rate to find the maximum allowable Per Diem rate. oconus incidentals rate for per diem (i.e., $3.50 per day when BILLETED ON A U.S. INSTALLATION OR IF THE JTF OR COMBATANT COMMANDER DETERMINES THAT THE $3.50 PER DAY IS ADEQUATE).

The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates. M&IE is either 

1 Apr 2016 government) plus incidental rate (local or onbase) as specified in the travel 2/ The standard onbase incidental rate is $3.50 OCONUS-wide. To calculate a per diem rate: maximum lodging plus meals (local, proportional, or government) plus incidental rate (local or onbase) as specified in the travel orders. Once 2/ The standard onbase incidental rate is $3.50 OCONUS-wide. Per diem is the allowance for lodging (excluding taxes), meals and incidental expenses. The General Services Administration (GSA) establishes per diem rates   15 Aug 2019 For travel to military installations (with on-base If on-base lodging is not the $3.50 Incidental Expense rate is applicable, or the locality 

1/ For reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official OCONUS (Outside Continental United States) travel. 2/ The standard onbase incidental rate is $3.50 OCONUS-wide. 3/ Use this rate if neither the city nor military installation is listed.

As of 2010, the standard CONUS per diem rate remained at $116 - $70/day for lodging, $46 for meals and incidental expenses. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PER DIEM AND A GOV RATE? Rather than offering military service members a per diem rate, hotels and motels sometimes offer a "GOV" rate. The GOV rate could be higher than the per diem rate. The GSA allows $5/day for incidental expenses, regardless of location. The daily Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem rate equals the meal rate for your area plus the $5 daily incidental allowance. The M&IE rate is added to your Lodging Per Diem rate to find the maximum allowable Per Diem rate. oconus incidentals rate for per diem (i.e., $3.50 per day when BILLETED ON A U.S. INSTALLATION OR IF THE JTF OR COMBATANT COMMANDER DETERMINES THAT THE $3.50 PER DAY IS ADEQUATE).

For those individuals TDY/PCS or deployed, in support of contingency operations, whose billeting and meals are provided by the USG, the per diem rate for incidentals expenses is $3.50 per day. For those individuals whose billeting and meals are not provided by the USG and are authorized full per diem, the normal locality incidental expense rate 1/ For reimbursement of subsistence expenses incurred during official OCONUS (Outside Continental United States) travel. 2/ The standard onbase incidental rate is $3.50 OCONUS-wide. 3/ Use this rate if neither the city nor military installation is listed. As of 2010, the standard CONUS per diem rate remained at $116 - $70/day for lodging, $46 for meals and incidental expenses. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PER DIEM AND A GOV RATE? Rather than offering military service members a per diem rate, hotels and motels sometimes offer a "GOV" rate. The GOV rate could be higher than the per diem rate. The GSA allows $5/day for incidental expenses, regardless of location. The daily Meal and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem rate equals the meal rate for your area plus the $5 daily incidental allowance. The M&IE rate is added to your Lodging Per Diem rate to find the maximum allowable Per Diem rate. oconus incidentals rate for per diem (i.e., $3.50 per day when BILLETED ON A U.S. INSTALLATION OR IF THE JTF OR COMBATANT COMMANDER DETERMINES THAT THE $3.50 PER DAY IS ADEQUATE). appropriate rate per the JTR (Reference c). When hosting the training camp on the installation, the GSA on-base rate shall apply to cover the cost of the dining facilities. (2) If meals are provided to the athletes, only the incidental rate shall be paid. CONUS incidental rate is $5.00/day. OCONUS incidental rate is $3.50/day. The OCONUS incidental